When I was reviewing the post on photosynthesizing sea slugs, I realized it was my first post on animals. This is mostly because I generally find microbes, plants, and fungi more interesting, but here's another exception to that trend. And yes, you're getting more sea slugs. I like sea slugs. I've been excited about this one for a while because I don't do a lot of animal posts, but you have to love sea slugs. I would love to share more (maybe I will at some point) because there are so many kinds of sea slugs and they are pretty amazing creatures, but let's start with these guys for now. Have you seen any of them? A few have been popular online. Overview - Glaucus atlanticus - Jorunna parva - Dirona albolineata - Thecacera pacifica - Cyerce nigricans - Cyerce elegans The picture at the top is of a Glaucus atlanticus , also known as a blue glaucus or blue dragon sea slug. Despite the name atlanticus , they can be found in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans in m...
This blog exists to share the beauty of biology. It's a weird and wonderful science that's equal parts extraordinary and infuriating, and I will always love it for that. My goal is to make this often misunderstood science accessible and offer it the spotlight it deserves. Please feel free to drop a comment if you have any questions!