Hello hello! You might have seen some of these fun fellows around the interwebs, and though they might not look real, they do exist. The slug on the left is a Costasiella kuroshimae , affectionately nicknamed "leaf sheep," and the one on the right is an Elysia chlorotica , which is also known as an emerald elysia. I call them sea leaves or leaf slugs. So, why slugs, why today, and why these two? Slugs, because sea slugs are beautiful and amazing creatures, today because why not, and these two because they have a few things in common. They're sea slugs, they're green, they're cute, they're tiny...oh, and did I mention they can photosynthesize? Yep. Photosynthesizing animals. Did your jaw drop? Mine did when I stopped to really think about it. Overview: Costasiella kuroshimae - About the slug - Habitat n' feeding Elysia chlorortica - About the slu...
This blog exists to share the beauty of biology. It's a weird and wonderful science that's equal parts extraordinary and infuriating, and I will always love it for that. My goal is to make this often misunderstood science accessible and offer it the spotlight it deserves. Please feel free to drop a comment if you have any questions!